About Us
The Texas School Safety Center staff offer a variety of subject matter expertise, research and support across a broad array of school safety and health-related fields designed to ensure the health, safety, and security of all Texas communities and schools.
Kathy Martinez-Prather, Ph.D.
Director Texas School Safety Center km60@txstate.edu
Celina Bley, Ph.D.
Associate Director Training and Education (512) 245-1938 celina.bley@txstate.edu -
Training and Education
This division of the Texas School Safety Center provides both in-person and virtual live training as well as online self-paced courses pertaining to a wide variety of school safety topics. In addition, this division develops toolkits, guidance documents, and a variety of resources for stakeholders.
Leah Anderson
Training and Education Coordinator (512) 245-5859 lam91@txstate.edu -
Denise Armentrout
Administrative Specialist TCOLE (512) 245-5862 dla124@txstate.edu -
Cynthia Arredondo
Program Manager Training and Education (512) 245-3908 cj19@txstate.edu -
Laura Baker
Program Manager Curriculum and Instruction (512) 245-5539 xkx11@txstate.edu -
Brian Benscoter
Training and Education Specialist (512) 245-5847 bkb124@txstate.edu -
Rebecca A. Campa
Training and Education Coordinator (512) 245-2438 becca.campa@txstate.edu -
Herman Cantu
School-Based Law Enforcement Specialist (512) 408-6736 herman.cantu@txstate.edu -
Jessica Carollo
Training and Education Specialist (512) 245-6233 uqe13@txstate.edu -
Ammy Cathey
Training and Education Specialist (512) 245-5841 alc354@txstate.edu -
Krista Flores
Training and Education Coordinator (512) 245-5840 ks14@txstate.edu -
Beverly Freshour
School-Based Law Enforcement Specialist (512) 245-4883 roh24@txstate.edu -
Alexis Gierzak
Training and Education Coordinator (512) 245-8082 apg58@txstate.edu -
Amanda Gonzales
School Behavioral Threat Assessment Specialist (512) 408-5889 nkc43@txstate.edu -
Richard Guajardo
School-Based Law Enforcement Coordinator (512) 245-0346 xxt16@txstate.edu -
Jamie Lane
Training and Education Specialist (512) 245-5845 jamie.lane@txstate.edu -
Taylor Miles
Training and Education Specialist (512) 245-7224 lsf43@txstate.edu -
Joe Muñoz
Program Manager School-Based Law Enforcement Education (512) 245-6827 joe.munoz@txstate.edu -
Felisha Nauert
School-Based Law Enforcement Coordinator (512) 245-5284 fbn@txstate.edu -
Julie Palmer
Training and Education Coordinator (512) 245-6624 jlp307@txstate.edu -
Stephanie Peterson
Training and Education Specialist (512) 245-5849 s_p512@txstate.edu -
Lindsey Wilson
Training and Education Coordinator (512) 245-5858 ltw30@txstate.edu -
Tracilynn Wright-Bloodworth, Ed.D.
Training and Education Specialist (512) 245-5843 lid26@txstate.edu
Brian Clason
Associate Director School Safety Readiness (512) 245-5861 bec111@txstate.edu -
School Safety Readiness
This division of the Texas School Safety Center is responsible for the statewide review of multi-hazard emergency operations plans. In addition, this division oversees the development of model safety and security audit procedures and statewide data collection, as well as management of the Texas School Safety and Security Consultant Registry.
Andrea Acosta
EOP Specialist (512) 408-1165 trm193@txstate.edu -
Edward Bradshaw
EOP Specialist (512) 245-4884 egb50@txstate.edu -
Marcos Cabrera
EOP Specialist (512) 245-5856 zvc17@txstate.edu -
Steve Cathey
EOP Specialist (512) 245-0116 slc334@txstate.edu -
Matt Collins
EOP Specialist (512) 245-4881 mc1209@txstate.edu -
Gabriel De La Hoya
EOP Specialist (512) 245-4882 g_d160@txstate.edu -
Kimberly Duncan-Ashley
Senior Program Specialist (512) 245-5860 kad120@txstate.edu -
Cumorah Eldredge
Senior EOP Specialist (512) 245-4885 cumorah.eldredge@txstate.edu -
Lana Johnson
Program Manager School Safety Readiness (512) 245-4889 ljj39@txstate.edu -
Eric Kessler
Senior EOP Specialist (512) 245-4718 ypn26@txstate.edu -
Matthew LaLonde
EOP Specialist (512) 408-6403 jgg166@txstate.edu -
Ricky Renaud
EOP Specialist (512) 245-5637 rar242@txstate.edu
Jennifer Steele
Associate Director Youth and Community Initiatives (512) 408-1889> js42@txstate.edu -
Youth and Community Initiatives
This division implements the Texas School Safety Center’s youth initiatives pertaining to school safety, youth leadership, and youth tobacco prevention. This division also oversees and implements multiple statewide tobacco enforcement programs.
Colton Ayers
FDA Contract Specialist (512) 408-5550 cca55@txstate.edu -
Kathleen Bates
Program Manager Youth Initiatives (512) 408-1947 k_b277@txstate.edu -
Velda Escamilla
FDA Program Manager (512) 408-3801 vme8@txstate.edu -
Leticia Guerrero
Youth Initiatives Training Specialist (512) 408-2248 lg1257@txstate.edu -
Stuart Kirkwood
FDA Program Coordinator (512) 408-8308 sk22281@txstate.edu -
Kellen Kruk
Youth Tobacco Prevention Specialist (512) 408-4907 kbk42@txstate.edu -
Lindy Narvaiz
Contract Specialist (512) 408-2314 ln11@txstate.edu -
Bea Pyle
Program Manager Tobacco Enforcement (512) 408-0405 beapyle@txstate.edu
Valerie R. Barnes
Associate Director Research and Evaluation (512) 408-3307 vrb25@txstate.edu -
Research and Evaluation
This division conducts scholarly research on school safety topics, aiming to inform and improve the training, guidance, and resources offered by the Texas School Safety Center. Additionally, the research conducted contributes to the advancement of the field of school safety research.
Ashley Drinkard
Research and Evaluation Coordinator (512) 408-2756 mv1151@txstate.edu -
Rachel Hall
Audit Specialist Research and Evaluation (512) 408-0319 rhall12@txstate.edu -
Julia Hopkins
Research and Evaluation Specialist (512) 408-8270 wpk19@txstate.edu -
Alison Jarzombek-Torralva
Research and Evaluation Coordinator (512) 408-0265 sxd6@txstate.edu -
Kathryn Klepac
Research and Evaluation Specialist (512) 408-5569 kak235@txstate.edu -
Marcie Murfield
Audit Specialist Research and Evaluation (512) 408-6705 nst41@txstate.edu -
Stephen Scogin
Program Manager Research and Evaluation (512) 408-5414 fik16@txstate.edu -
Nicolas Vasquez
Research and Evaluation Specialist (512) 408-8444 nir14@txstate.edu -
Lacette Wright
Program Manager Research and Evaluation (512) 408-2337 lrv19@txstate.edu
Linda Young
Associate Director Business Operations (512) 245-8390 ly01@txstate.edu -
Business Operations
This division provides financial and operational services within the Texas School Safety Center. Services include assisting and coordinating business needs for Center staff and ensuring compliance with policies, procedures, and funding regulations.
Kristy Chapa
Business Operations Specialist (512) 245-8082 kc1481@txstate.edu -
Kelsey Fleming, MBA
Program Manager Business Operations (512) 245-6230 k_f180@txstate.edu -
Rosa Luera
Business Operations Specialist (512) 245-6235 rcl80@txstate.edu -
Teresa Rudolph
Business Operations Specialist (512) 408-3723 tr13@txstate.edu -
Jessica Sosa, MBA
Business Operations Specialist (512) 245-7272 jmh300@txstate.edu -
Matthew Torralva
Business Operations Specialist (512) 408-5489 mgt30@txstate.edu -
Carol Workman
Assistant Manager Business Operations (512) 408-6331 cw25@txstate.edu
Mark Andrus
Associate Director Information Technology (512) 408-4351 ma21@txstate.edu -
Information Technology
This division provides highly specialized technical services and support to all divisions within the Texas School Safety Center. Technology is integrated into all programs and initiatives within the Center, leveraging modern technology and software to improve resource creation and distribution while expanding our school safety services across Texas.
DJ Deckert
IT Specialist (512) 245-6981 dd27@txstate.edu -
Martin Esqueda
IT Specialist (512) 408-2538 me19@txstate.edu -
Shane Fleming
IT Specialist (512) 408-3304 s_f88@txstate.edu -
Josh Hawks
IT Specialist (512) 408-0387 snl95@txstate.edu -
Andre Hochi
IT Specialist (512) 408-4917 wsd35@txstate.edu -
Justin Jimenez
IT Specialist (512) 408-4170 j_j243@txstate.edu -
Cody Long
IT Specialist (512) 408-0709 cml113@txstate.edu -
Devante Lowery
IT Specialist (512) 408-4158 lay29@txstate.edu -
Richard Parkin
IT Specialist (512) 408-3132 rgp44@txstate.edu -
Laura Tanner
Public Relations and Outreach Specialist (512) 245-6128 lt1053@txstate.edu -
Andrew Wacaser
IT Specialist (512) 408-7146 igs33@txstate.edu -
Andrew Young
IT Specialist (512) 408-3750 ty1015@txstate.edu