Safe School Teen Ambassadors
What needs to be done to make your school safer?
The need for a "supervisor" in school can be significant. For
example, in the case of an emergency, something that the teachers
missed, or maybe just to be safer. Having an officer around can
bring peace to the mind and the feeling of safety to anyone in the
school building, not only the kids.
- Paula, 10th Grade | Gruver, Tx
Knowing CPR Can Help
The purpose of this photo was taken because students should be
required to learn CPR. Accidents can happen at any time and knowing
CPR can help those in need.
- Danica, 10th Grade | Santa Rosa, Tx
Where Do We Go?
I think there needs to be a better lockdown drill. Because where do
the kids go if they are in the hallway or lunchroom? Especially in
the lunchroom. It's not safe to hope the band hall will open their
doors because if there is an active shooter, they wont let us in and
all those kids wouldn't survive. How are we going to be safe? Where
are we going to go?
- Kaitlyn, 8th Grade | Bullard, Tx
A Locked World
These doors can fill people with dread. Opening new doors is hard,
locked doors can make us feel trapped, and closed doors can make us
feel unwanted and alone. That's why these doors are in black and
white because the absence of color implies fear. The missing doors
and the uneven array represent the holes in everything, that
everything is flawed no matter how hard we try to make it perfect.
We don't need more locks and bolts to make people feel safe, we
simply need to open more doors.
- Josh, 9th Grade | Lubbock, Tx