K-12 Standard Response Protocol Toolkit

Appendix C: Carpe Audience

When training on SRP, it is critical for your audience to understand the protocol's actions and their role in implementing them. This means it is important to present the material in a way that is engaging and easy to understand. John-Michael Keyes has written a book that teaches you presentation design techniques and principals based on modern brain science that will keep your audience engaged and ready to learn.

Give better presentations 'despite' PowerPoint  

Carpe Audience

Harness the Ancient Power of Presentation. "Presentation" is the most powerful communication strategy humans have ever deployed. Part storytelling, part performance, part props and part pictures, presenting to an audience is an ancient art. Yet, "Death by PowerPoint" has become the norm. The Ancient Power of Presentation has been lost in blue screens and bullet lists. This book is about regaining your cultural roots. About tapping into the most powerful communication method known to mankind. About relearning the Ancient Power of Presentation. And it uses science to do it. Not some fuzzy anecdotes or squishy feelings. Cold, hard, clinical science.

This book was written by John-Michael Keyes. If you would like to download, view, or print this book in pdf version please click the button below.

Download Carpe Audience Book

If you would like to learn more about this book or purchase a copy for yourself visit: carpeaudience.com/