K-12 Standard Reunification Method Toolkit
Appendix A: SRM Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Since introducing the Standard Reunification Method (SRM) in 2012, thousands of districts, departments and agencies have scrutinized, evaluated and ultimately implemented the program. During the process some questions seem to come up often.
What does the program cost?
Since its introduction in 2009, public K12 schools, districts, departments and agencies were free to use The “I Love U Guys” Foundation programs at no cost.
In 2015, the Foundation expanded availability, and now offers the programs to any public or private organization at no charge. Simply download the materials and begin the process.
I see The Foundation offers training, do we need to buy training in order to use the programs?
No. We’ve attempted to put enough material online so that schools and law enforcement can successfully implement Foundation programs. We know of thousands of schools across the US and Canada that have implemented the programs using internal resources.
That said, part of our sustainability model relies not just on charitable giving, but in providing training for districts departments and agencies. If your organization is interested in Foundation training, please contact us for rates and terms.
Can I modify materials?
Some details may need to be customized to your location. For instance, the classroom poster should be modified to include hazards and safety strategies that are specific to your location.
Are the source materials available?
Yes. Some of the materials are available. Original, digital artwork can be provided to organizations that have signed a "Notice of Intent" or a "Memorandum of Understanding" with The "I Love U Guys" Foundation.
Please note: Currently, we are migrating from Pages on the Mac to QuarkXPress. (Adobe InDesign made our eyes bleed. Depending on the material original artwork is only provided in Mac OS X, Pages version 4.3 iWork '09.
Can you send me materials in Microsoft Word?
Short answer, no. Retaining the graphic integrity of the materials proved beyond our capabilities using Microsoft Word.
Can I really use the materials?
What about copyrights and trademarks?
Schools, districts, departments, agencies and organizations are free to use the materials under the "Terms of Use" outlined in this document.
Do I need to ask permission to use the materials?
No. You really don’t need to ask permission. But, it would be fabulous if you let us know that you’re using our programs.
Do I have to sign an MOU with the foundation?
It is not necessary to sign an MOU with the Foundation. But, please consider it. The Foundation is committed to providing programs at no cost. Yet, program development, enhancement and support are cost centers for us. One way we fund those costs is through private grants and funding.
An MOU is a strong demonstration of program validity and assists us with these types of funding requests.
Do I have to send a notice of intent?
In the absence of an MOU, a Notice of Intent provides similar value to us regarding demonstrations of program validity to potential funders.
Do I have to notify you at all that I am using the SRM?
We often speak with school safety stakeholders that have implemented the SRP or SRM but hadn't quite mentioned it to us. Please, please, please let us know if your school, district, department or agency are using our programs.
It is our goal that the SRP and SRP become "Gold Standards." The more schools, districts, departments and agencies that we can show are using the program, the greater the chance for achieving our goal.
Can I put our logo on your materials?
Yes. But with some caveats. If you are a school, district, department or agency you may include your logo on posters and handouts. If you are a commercial enterprise, please contact us in advance with intended usage.
In some states we have co-branding agreements with "umbrella" organizations. In those states we ask that you also include the umbrella organizations branding.
We would like to put the materials on our website.
Communication with your community is important. While you are free to place any material on your website, it's preferable that you link to the materials from our website. The reason for this is to allow us to track material usage. We can then use these numbers when we seek funding.
But, don't let that be a show stopper. If your IT group prefers, just copy the materials to your site.
For additional questions related to modifying SRM materials, source materials, copyrights, trademarks, notifying the foundation of use, and any other questions about these materials, please visit the SRM page on the 'I Love You Guys' Website.