Continuity of Operations Toolkit
3.0 Additional Resources
This section provides additional resources from state and federal agencies.
Texas State Office of Risk Management (SORM) - Continuity of Operations Planning
The Continuity of Operations (COOP) Program at SORM provides leadership, guidance, resources, and education to statewide continuity coordinators, risk managers, and other continuity practitioners to support state agency efforts to protect the state’s citizens and property, ensure economic safety, and provide vital information and essential services.
State Resources
FEMA - Continuity Guidance Circular
This Continuity Guidance Circular serves as a resource for federal and non-federal entities to guide, update, and maintain organizational continuity planning efforts and appropriately integrate and synchronize continuity efforts. These entities should also engage with partners, stakeholders, and other coordinating structures to integrate organizational continuity plans into community and government-wide planning efforts.
REMS - Developing a Continuity of Operations (COOP) Annex for K-12 Schools and School Districts
A Continuity of Operations (COOP) Annex to the school’s emergency operations plan (EOP) that describes how a school or district will ensure the continuation of essential functions during an emergency and its aftermath can be created. The goal of activating a COOP Annex is to restore essential functions within 12 hours of activation and to sustain restored essential functions for up to 30 days or until full operational status is achieved. In addition, the activation of a COOP Annex serves to help protect essential buildings and facilities, equipment, records, students, teachers, staff, and assets; reduce or mitigate disruptions; and minimize damage to life and property.