Sandy Hook Promise - Start with Hello Virtual Training

Virtual Training

The Texas School Safety Center (TxSSC) is partnering with Sandy Hook Promise to bring Start with Hello, one of Sandy Hook Promise’s no-cost Know the Signs programs which teaches students to be more socially inclusive and connected to each other. With activities and curricula available for all ages, students are empowered to end social isolation in three easy steps which include: see someone alone, reach out and help, and start with hello. The training is 2.5 hours and will consist of a wide range of activities and resources to ensure training integration within the school culture, supported by student-led SAVE Promise Clubs.

Participants in this training will gain knowledge and tools to:

  • Apply the Start with Hello program cycle;
  • Train students in Start with Hello using Sandy Hook Promise’s Digital Learning Center;
  • Assess the impact of loneliness and social isolation in your school community;
  • Engage students in Start with Hello activities and instructional strategies that will help to reduce loneliness, social isolation and build inclusive school communities; and
  • Celebrate your Start with Hello work by organizing a Spirit Week.

Please Note: This training is open to public ISDs, open-enrollment charter schools, junior colleges, law enforcement, and state agencies that support Texas schools. Due to limited space, vendors and contractors are not permitted to register for this training.

Not eligible for TCOLE training credit.

Special Accommodations:

Please submit all special accommodations request(s) via email to no later than two weeks prior to the course.

virtual training banner

All virtual trainings will be provided through the Zoom online meeting platform.
To pre-install the Zoom meeting software click the "Download" button under Zoom Workplace desktop app or click the following link to watch a video tutorial on Joining a Zoom Meeting. Once you are registered and confirmed, a direct Zoom link will be sent to you 1-2 days prior to the training date.

All times listed below are in the Central Time Zone.

To begin registration, select any date tile labeled "OPEN".

In order to receive a Certificate of Participation, participants must attend entire training on their own individual device.

Current Virtual Trainings

For more information about the Sandy Hook Promise – Start with Hello Virtual Training, please contact