Sandy Hook Promise - Say Something Virtual Training

Virtual Training

Sandy Hook Promise is partnering with the Texas School Safety Center to bring Say Something, the proven violence prevention program to middle and high schools in Texas. Say Something is a no-cost, easy-to-implement, and life-saving program that will help school personnel and/or school-based law enforcement to teach students how to recognize warning signs of potential violence or self-harm and act immediately to intervene. The training will take 2.5 hours with a wide range of activities and resources to ensure training integration within the school culture, supported by student-led SAVE Promise Clubs.

After the Say Something training, educators will:

  • Develop an action plan to carry-out the Say Something message year-round
  • Learn how to reinforce the Say Something three-step process through the use of easy-to-implement mini-lessons
  • Learn how to cultivate a culture of trusted adults

Please Note: This training is open to public ISDs, open-enrollment charter schools, junior colleges, law enforcement, and state agencies that support Texas schools. Due to limited space, vendors and contractors are not permitted to register for this training.

Not eligible for TCOLE training credit.

Special Accommodations:

Please submit all special accommodations request(s) via email to no later than two weeks prior to the course.

virtual training banner

All virtual trainings will be provided through the Zoom online meeting platform.
To pre-install the Zoom meeting software click the "Download" button under Zoom Workplace desktop app or click the following link to watch a video tutorial on Joining a Zoom Meeting. Once you are registered and confirmed, a direct Zoom link will be sent to you 1-2 days prior to the training date.

All times listed below are in the Central Time Zone.

To begin registration, select any date tile labeled "OPEN".

In order to receive a Certificate of Participation, participants must attend entire training on their own individual device.

Current Virtual Trainings

For more information about the Sandy Hook Promise – Say Something Virtual Training, please contact