Digital Threat Assessment Trainings

Virtual Training

Digital Threat Assessment was developed through the need to keep pace with the ever-evolving technology challenges that face our students currently. Successful violence threat risk assessment can only occur if we have a solid understanding of all data needed to appropriately assess an individuals’ potential for violence. An overall assessment of risk cannot be determined without looking at social media and online activity. It is imperative to understand the tools and methods available to identify online threat related behavior.

Real life case examples will be used from subject matter expert work across North America and a significant portion of the day will be spent conducting hands-on searching exercises through the most current social media sites and applications.

To support this effort, the Texas School Safety Center, in collaboration with Safer Schools Together (SST), will be offering no cost Digital Threat Assessment one-day virtual trainings. This training includes two steps:

  1. Take the "Digital Threat Assessment" online course through the School Safety Learning Portal: This course will introduce key concepts of digital threat assessment and is a prerequisite to register for this virtual training.
    School Safety Learning Portal
    Digital Threat Assessment Online Course
  2. Register for and attend a Digital Threat Assessment Virtual Training: After successfully completing the online course, each participant will be given a unique code that will enable them to register for this training.
  3. *To register for the Digital Threat Assessment Virtual Training, individuals must follow the steps noted above.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Digital footprint’s role in risk assessment for violence potential.
  • Use of social media for public safety and emergency management.
  • Capturing and documenting open source social media for data collection and information gathering purposes.
  • Procedural recommendations for law enforcement and school administration.
  • An understanding of current social media platforms and associated risks.

Please Note: This training is open to public ISDs, open-enrollment charter schools, junior colleges, law enforcement, and state agencies that support Texas schools. Due to limited space, vendors and contractors are not permitted to register for this training.

Special Accommodations:

Please submit all special accommodations request(s) via email to no later than two weeks prior to the training.

virtual training banner

All virtual trainings will be provided through the Zoom online meeting platform.
To pre-install the Zoom meeting software click the "Download" button under Zoom Workplace desktop app or click the following link to watch a video tutorial on Joining a Zoom Meeting. Once you are registered and confirmed, a direct Zoom link will be sent to you 1-2 days prior to the training date.

In order to receive Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) credit for this training each Texas Peace Officer and/or individual seeking TCOLE credit must do the following:

  • Take the training on either a desktop, laptop or tablet with a camera. Cell phones are not permitted to be used for the training.
  • Allow your webcam video feed to be active and monitored throughout the entire training, and you must be visible from the shoulders up.
  • Be in an appropriate space free from distractions and remain focused throughout the training.
  • You are not allowed to be in a vehicle while participating in the training.

A TxSSC facilitator will be monitoring attendance the entire training and will be making contact with any individual who is not present in their webcam feed.

You must attend entire training to be eligible to receive 7 hours Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Credit. If a portion of the class is missed, then the entire training must be made up at a later date. Please email if you would like to reschedule.

Business casual attire is requested.

It is highly beneficial for participants to utilize two monitors while attending this training.

All times listed below are in the Central Time Zone.

To begin registration, select any date tile labeled "OPEN".

In order to receive a Certificate of Participation, participants must attend entire training on their own individual device.

Current Virtual Events

For more information about Digital Threat Assessment Virtual Trainings, please email

If you have completed the Digital Threat Assessment Training and need to request your certificate, please click the button below.

Training Certificate Request Form